Storytelling ist in aller Munde, doch niemand weiß genau, was sich dahinter eigentlich verbirgt. Meistens beschränken sich die Erklärungen auf „Gutes Storytelling erfordert gutes Zuhören“ und danach wird es schon dünn. Doch wie erzählt man wirklich eine packende Geschichte? Warum lohnt sich das? Und was kann man davon für die eigene Arbeit lernen?
There is a video making the rounds on the Internet lately and I want to show it to you because it illustrates how having a clear vision can help you and your company.
The year is 1997 and Apple Computers has just bought Next, the company that Steve Jobs founded after he was thrown out of Apple. Of course Jobs also founded Apple together with Steve Wozniak so for him it must have been surreal to finally be back.
At the end of the developer conference of that year he took to the stage in his aw-shucks-just-comin-bye mode and answered questions from the audience. Keep in mind this was before he took the helm as the interims CEO — Gil Amelio was still in charge and Jobs merely consulted for the management. Have a look at this:
Now, for sure hindsight is 20/20 as we all know how these ideas played out. Most of them were correct, some weren’t (for example he reversed his stance on the clone makers just half a year later). But remember that at the time what he said was unheard of for many people. Not for all, of course, and he bragged about how he is using network technology already but this was a time when computers still had floppy drives and serial modems, if any.
So it’s fascinating to look back at what the original vision was. But it’s even more fascinating to look back and see how he made Apple execute on his vision.
How do you write a good pop song? And how do you write the perfect pop song? And what does this have to do with user experience design? Probably more than you think.
Featuring the musical stylings of Lieschen Müller! I made this video for a very special person. Everything is recorded as you see it and then heavily edited. Have fun. :-)
Ein Film über Kommunikation. Wir kommunizieren jeden Tag, ständig prasseln Botschaften auf uns ein oder streifen zumindest unser Gehör. Dank moderner Medien wie dem Telefon oder dem Internet wird Kommunikation immer einfacher und direkter, also kommunizieren wir immer mehr. Doch was passiert, wenn man all diese Nachrichten ihres Zusammenhangs beraubt? Continue reading →
The Funky Bear strikes back again! Mir war mal wieder langweilig und deshalb mußte Stefies kleiner Stoffbär dran glauben. In diesem Film darf er ein wenig tanzen. Continue reading →
Ein Film über zwei Menschen, die sich nahe stehen, aber sich nicht nahe sind. Deren Welten zu verschieden sind, als daß sie einander finden könnten. Die sich suchen, aber nur sich selbst verlieren.
(Dieser Film wurde im Rahmen der Bundesmedientage 2001 in Regensburg aufgeführt.) Continue reading →